Working in series form satisfies my need to deeply explore a subject, whether representational or not. A project usually starts with a personal connection to a particular subject; it evolves as I discover and digest further connections, perceptions, and emotions. I use a variety of painting/drawing media and tools to create paintings.

While each painting has its own identity, it is nonetheless explicitly linked to the others in the series. Viewers may find many entry points into the work, which I hope creates a rich emotional experience.

This year, 2024, marks the 40th year that our artists’ community has been at Hunters Point Shipyard. I’ll be participating in events throughout the year, including our upcoming Spring Open Studios (last weekend in April). I hope you will join us at any or all of these events to celebrate all the art making that endures at the Shipyard.

Building: 101 - Studio: 1307
Phone: 415-359-6851
Visit the Artist's Website
Visit me on my social media

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