Richard Bolingbroke

Abstract Explorations Mixed Media Wood Panels and Watercolors

As an artist, looking closely, and with attention, is what I do. Over the 30 years of my career, my gaze has been fascinated with many subjects. I came to see that the common thread through these interests was pattern, structure and rhythm. These are the things that together create the universe.  My focus in this new work is on the surfaces, shapes, and textures of the small things around me that when connected together create complexity, like a brick and a building, a leaf and a tree, a wave and the ocean. By exploring vegetative architecture and building surfaces, window decals and intertwined root systems, I hope to better understand the underlying simplicity of life itself and the “stories” or visual narratives we encounter every day. 

Building: 101 - Studio: 1508
Phone: 415-640-1273
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